Customer: Neodelis
Category: Lightning
Summary description: Smart led lighting with optical links
Type of activity: Electronic design, mechanical design, firmware development
Customer brief
Using light as and when needed LED light sources reduce power consumption, but users’habits can neutralize the benefit of the source’s efficiency. The smart LED lamp must manage the consumption control in complete autonomy.
Product description
The light sources of Ecolumiere platform cooperate by exchanging information that determine the adaptation according to the environmental conditions. Without need to change the existing system, simply replacing the bulbs, a network of lights can be created that can achieve a continuous adaptation of the brightness based on the light from the outside environment, ensuring optimum lighting in each area and reducing energy consumption. The Ecolumiere lamps, patented by Neodelis, are developed in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino.
Specification and technological peculiarities
Smart power supply, optical sensor, BLE communication